
Some Material

Ideas I turned into reality

I have tried to turn my ideas into reality all the time. Most of the time I failed but those times I succeeded were remarkable. Here are some ideas I have tried and succeeded:

Spacend Digital (see below)

Map Researcher (see below)

PC Price Tracker (see below)

Everyone Deserves Some Warmth

Skills I have dealt with

I have tried many different things, including programming, 3D modelling, video editing, etc. Here are some of them organised according to my interest.


  • Leadreship
  • Social Media Marketing
  • The 2022 Marketing Method with Assignments & Case Study!

Programming Languages:

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • C

Video editing and 3D modeling:

  • Adobe Premier Pro
  • Unity
  • Blender

Books I Found Interesting

The Lean Startup

Who Moved My Cheese

Sapiens-A Brief Of Humankind

Some of the projects I have worked on

I have worked on different prjects along with my friends. Here are some of them organized chronologically:

Spacend Digital

Spacend Digital is a creative agency aiming to navigate brands through a complex digital world. Currently, we are working with Y-Axis to expand their business in the online world and open to many more customers. We are also working on an upcoming market research tool, available as a SaaS. It will help marketers to generate more leads.


Map Researcher

Map Researcher is a marketing tool. It lets users find all the companies/services in an area. It also finds their contact information from Google Maps and social media. It's a startup that my friends and I started. The program for this project is completed. We are finding investors to start the project.

Note: If you are interested to invest on this please contact me.


PC Price Tracker

This program tracks the prices of PC parts as time goes on so that people can see the changes over time and make their buying and selling decisions. The program that tracks the price periodically is written in Python using BeautifulSoup. The front-end code is in JavaScript and is hosted in blogger.
